Monday, January 16, 2012

GOP to eat humble pie at NYC fundraiser

Tomorrow, 17 January, Mitt Romney is holding a fundraiser at the Sheraton in Manhattan.
Cheap, $2,500 per person to attend.
And I will attend. Not that I am paying a penny; how I am doing that is a story in itself,
but let us move on to what is more important: what is going to go on?
Well, that is an interesting question.
For those of you who have taken the time to read the few posts that there are here, you will see that
the GOP has behaved towards me like spoiled, crying little babies, mooching money off of me to use
on a GOP congressional campaign and a luxury apartment, then pretending they were poor, and hiding
when I came after them.
The silver lining is they kind of make me laugh with their silliness.
But  such laughter does not last when crazy people are trying to gain political office and destroy America.

So we must not let GOP rich kids get their hands on our money. They need to learn to be men and not
moochers. Asking for money becomes an addiction, and tough love is needed to get them back
to normal.
And tough love it will be. Tough luck on Romney then for what I have to say at his rich kid event.
I will tell them that America deserves better than Romney - who has never been in the service, but wants to
be Commander-in-Chief - and that I am there to make sure America gets better than Romney.

But they may just have the gall to ask for a payment of $2,500 per person from me.
Payment? They may have to wait...I waited ten years for payment of the $40,000 that
their fundraiser in NY mooched off of me in 2001. And I went homeless waiting. The GOP never
had the wherewithal to face me. They only cried like babies when I made it uncomfortable for them.
And tomorrow I will make it even more uncomfortable. They will cry.
But for me, I will eat cake and fois gras and whatever else they have on their table, after all, they used
my money for it.
And when I have had my dinner from the banquet table, then it's time for just desserts.
Mooch money from a former serviceman and make a joke of his generosity while he goes homeless and
see what you get. It hurts? So what.
However, I am not out to get all and sundry in the GOP - I may have a surprise in store as I announce my pick for presidential candidate. While Romney does not have what it takes - surely only a fool can take him seriously - there are a few in the GOP who have done their time in the service and have years of political experience and can lead intelligently, and I will not begrudge them any respect they have rightfully earned.
But for most of this party, especially rich kid moochers who try to take advantage of the good will of servicemen, I have only scathing rebuke - especially when they welome into their ranks individuals who blatantly express utter disdain for military personnel, calling them dumb beasts to be used.
Learn to act like men and not foolish children. And it might just help you to join the military so you can grow up and not end up like Mitt Romney.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

GOP choices for President

The GOP now wants to back Santorium? Why? Because Rupert Murdoch tells them to?
And behind the scenes they are trying desperately to quash the investigation into Newscorp
hacking into 9/11 survivors' phones...sick scum.
And Romney? Does the GOP want a president whose church is mixed up with raping young girls?

Friday, September 16, 2011

GOP loses in Manhattan but wins in Brooklyn

The election on Tuesday made the GOP gloat; it won two seats in the House, one in Nevada, and one here in NY, with Bob Turner getting in over Weprin in Brooklyn.
I did not get out there to protest with my sign showing the GOP to be a bunch of whiny fools. But I did here in Manhattan, and guess what, Paul Niehaus lost.
Of course there are other factors to his loss, such as people already knowing about how bad the GOP is, so I do not presume credit. It affords though some quantum of solace after having this idiot not pay me back. The latest is he paid about $100, after promising $1050. First he claimed he had to borrow it, then, after evading me many times, he claimed he only had a few hundred to his name. Which is it? When asked why he did not pay the $1000 I do desperately needed - I am now homeless because of his gutlessness - he admitted he did get paid for a placement and just did not pay me. Then he tried to come across as a man of his word. I am not surprised; he is after all a Republican. So now he ways he is getting another candidate placed, but is evasive as to when and how much he will pay.
So if I cost Niehaus some votes, good. But that is just a drop in the bucket to me. One of the places I did go with my sign on election day was the New York Times building, and the only resonse I got was security coming to check me out. They were cool, they left me alone. And a Spanish family posed for pictures with me after reading my sign in Spanish - they know all about the GOP across the pond.  But the reporters there were I guess too lazy or scared to come down and take a look, some busy with writing up worthless acolades for Rick Perry who is in town talking to Donald Trump. What was it they discussed? Maybe Obama's birth certificate. Yes folks, the GOP with its Judases and birthers is coming soon to a voting booth near you. If you have any sense you will tell them to get lost.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Election day Tuesday

The second Tuesday in September here is election day; 10 years ago it was a terrorist attack.
Both are bad. And the latter will be bad for the GOP, as  I will be making the louts unhappy again as they hand out their fliers for David Niehaus.
My sign says that I will teach them to stop mooching off people and that I will punish the party and teach them to act like men, among other things.
So I doubt David Niehaus will be going to Albany. Or that Bob Turner will be going to Washington.
And if they are mad at me for it, good. I am just starting out. Rick Perry's fundraiser is on my radar, he is planning to raise funds in NY. I will certainly rain on their parade.
BTW, press are VERY WELCOME at all of this...I am happy to take the time and explain and name names. Contact me at

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Young Republicans

Tonight the Young Republicans gather at a bar on Second Avenue in Manhattan. This is a rather influential group, which started in 1911. A good year, by the way, for anarchists who tore up Whitechapel in London. It has since put a good many GOP men in power, including one John Vliet Lindsay, who in the end left the GOP. One wonders why...
I will make my way to the East Side, and maybe even mingle first before they find out that I am not a friend, but a debt collector, coming after them for the $40,000 that was mooched off of me by one young republican here in New York. Since, I have gone homeless as a result; I am one of those homeless ex-servicemen you may have seen trying to find a place to sleep in the city that never sleeps.
Years ago, a famous GOP man said that military men were dumb, stupid animals to be used. I'm sorry they think that way. And that they behave that way - coming to me crying for a loan, and then using the money on a campaign and a luxury condo. So I guess they think I am just a dumb stupid animal to be used. And that must go for much of my family too; including one soldier who was on Iwo Jima, and another who currently works securing the ports of New York for Homeland Security. One was a general, the other is a colonel. Me, I was just enlisted.
But that will not stop me from collecting my money - with interest and penalties - from this disrespectful lot of louts. While I went broke, patiently giving this guy time to pay me as he cried poverty and lied about his assets, he partied with the likes of Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and Fred Smith's family, and gave thousands of dollars to a NY congressional candidate.
Maybe, since they refer to me in such a way, they think I will break the law to get at them. Not at all. It may surprise them but we soldiers and sailors have brains - which makes for a far greater adversary than an angry yob. Serviceman are not yobs. We know how to handle different types of enemies, from terrorists to  spoiled brats; the latter of which is about to learn a lesson about military men.  They will learn not to go around mooching off of people and then cry and threaten when it is time to pay. I fear not their threats, even when they invoke the name of the NSA.
The GOP is going to feel the rod on its foolish back for this. Then they will know better than to talk rubbish about servicemen.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

The GOP as collateral damage

Having decided to take the GOP as damaged collateral for the loan I made to one of their members,
who spent it backing a congressional candidate and buying himself a 2 bed/2bath condo with an ocean view and a swimming pool, I made my first strike here in Manhattan at a fundraiser for David Niehaus, who hopes to become a state senator. Whose stolen money is being used to fund him I wonder?
I stood outside 230 Fifth Avenue and ambushed, no pun intended, the GOP backers, who had paid $100-$500 for the pleasure of giving their money to the GOP. I guess this is better than loaning their money to the GOP, but either way it seems one never sees the money again.
My sign said that I was going to teach them to be men, not whiny little girls. This did not somehow make them happy, and they tried hard to ignore me as they read the sign out of the corners of their eyes.
A short truce erupted when a man in a wheelchair needed assistance; none of the well-heeled GOP geeks bothered to open the doors for him, so I did; and by the look of him I sussed he was one of the 'enemy'.
"Don't worry," I told him, "you guys aren't all bad. You are going to the GOP event I assume?"
He laughed and told me not to let anyone know; and added that he was more of a libertarian, who might back Ron Paul.
But then something bad happened - bad for them, not for me; a woman came up to me and told me she too had been ripped off by the bastards. She too was going to the event, and though she was a Republican, she had a brain. So we chatted for 45 minutes, and that was worse than me being there with this embarrassing sign all alone. She too was more of a libertarian, and backed Ron Paul. What she is doing in the GOP I do not know. I do know that her fellow Republicans were more angry at my presence than before, as it was rather obvious I was not some angry low-life, but a well-informed persons with an understanding of politics.
When she left, security came over and asked me to stand just outside the front of the building. I did. I'm not there to be a problem. Just get my money, and rub their silly noses in the mess they made.
Speaking of which, some checking on the internet shows that the deadbeat crybaby who owes me thousands has started a business in his area. Crying poverty, he starts a business and does not tell me. He cries that he lost his swimming pool privileges when he could not pay the maintenance, and expects me to sit here homeless and have empathy. Swimming pool? And then there was the Ferrari he says he didn't really own after showing people pictures of it. Later he told me his car got reposessed - the car, whatever the make, he bought instead of paying me back. And the condo the same; he uses it as an excuse not to pay me - as if he has some right to skip out on payment because he wanted to live in luxury. He has had years to rent the place to a roommate or sell it or move out and rent it, but he whines and cries when I suggest this. And warns me that his contacts in the GOP are tied in the US intel. Which they may be, and what a sorry lot that is.
So I ought to maybe pick up cans and go hungry so he can live in luxury and threaten me with the NSA when I remind him he owes me? This is ludicrous. it is so ludicrous it is turning into a weapon to be used against them, but they are too dumbjerk to understand it. But they will. Many other GOP events are taking place here in Manhattan - and I will show up. Feel free to join me, journalists are welcome! This story involves the likes of Fred Smith, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (who married my cousin's Columbia SIS buddy - they both had the same CIA recruiter on campsus), and many other GOP types who don't want to be mentioned on this site.

Monday, August 15, 2011

The GOP creeps owe me money and need to stop crying and pay it back

This blog is to record how the GOP reacts to a situation they created in my life.
Years ago, one of their campaigners, from a longstanding GOP family in the try-state area, begged me to loan him some money. I did.
Rather than pay me back, he just used the money to support another rich kid running for Congress - who lost, by the way....let's call my debtor Bart Simpleton for sake of convenience.
He used the rest of it to buy himself a 2-bed/2-bath luxury condo with a view of the ocean, a swimming pool, 24 hour concierge, etc. He drove a Ferrari and went to parties to meet other GOP rich kids. All the while begging me to be patient with him, which I was - even when I was going broke and getting into get myself from it all. Total I loaned out $40,000. $15,000 or which he seems to have forgotten in all his drunkenness and stupidity.
After finding out about his flat, I suggested calmly he just rent out the extra room for a while, pay me back, and be done with the whole thing. Simple, right? But I got a strange response; he broke down in hysterics, claimed he needed the place for his buddy, a congressional candidate to whom  he gave thousands of dollars of my money - to meet with; and then told me this guy had NSA connections and I better not bother him.
Well, I let it go for a while. I was surprised by this nonsense and could not deal with a crybaby rich kid GOP brat. Then I moved back to the US, called him, and sensed his fear. I was not abroad anymore, but here. Which meant he quickly sent me a few thousand. But then the payments stopped, and he turned into master of excuses. All the while building up a large email thread I could use against him if I had to.
And I have to. I have been homeless and am about to lose my lousy closet sized dwelling downtown and will not just let the GOP push me around, cry and threaten. They will pay. And I mean not illegal threat here, there is lots I can do to wake them start boycotts of GOP owned businesses and drive down their stock prices. Oh, they would not like that. They may cry and threaten me some more!
But let them. I was in the service - unlike so many of the GOP candidates and Congressmen these days - and I am going to teach them a lesson.
I will give the GOP HQ here in NY a letter of intent with 48 hours to pay - a fair time frame as I took that amount of time or less to wire this creep the money to save him from an eviction - and I expect payment plus interest with no childish delays.
And if they make fools of themselves and waste time with me, I will give them lots and lots of free attention, the whole damn lot of lying, stealing crybabies. So this blog will, if need be, document their antics in the near future.